Saturday, 24 December 2011

that #SexyFace..

1. dat #SexyFace when u eat something sour.
2. u show #SexyFace when u're staring at me.
3. it was #SexyFace when u're touch by me while using a laptop.
4. dat was #SexyFace sit on 'couple seat' when watching movie.
5. u're alway in #SexyFace when both of us was making love, heheee..

..i miss u so much syg! xoxo:weenJoe

Saturday, 17 December 2011

babah in persOn!

16th december, 2011 dgn iringan dOa semoga ‘babah’, Hj Abd Rahman di tempatkan dikalangan org2 yg beriman. al-fatihah..
pagi2 lg erna dh bbm berita pasal ‘babah’. seingat aku arwah sekeluarga baru sj selesai menguruskan wedding wanie & barry. baru seminggu dua mcm tu la, skang ni semua org dikejutkan dgn berita pemergian ‘babah’ *sedih* dh lama aku x contact ‘mama & babah’ sejak aku dan ijoi x lg bersama. terasa sgt kehilangana, sbb aku mmg close dgn family dia. rasa aku ‘mama & babah’ anggap aku mcm anak depa jgk, mcm tu jgk aku. priority aku tu lebih kpd aktivi bersama family dia banding keluarga aku sendiri.
‘babah’ tu x byk ckp, sgt serius tp sesekali dia suka bergurau. lebih selesa di rumah sendiri.. suke sgt mnm teh panas, mama buatkan.. sometime aku yg kene buatkan utk dia. hehe.. ‘babah’ akn bgn awal pagi, dan kejutkan anak2 dia. tp selalunya semua akn bgn lambat.. bila dia balik dari mana2 dia akn panggil nama anak2 dia. sesiapa saja.. “nanaaaa.. wannnnn.. lynnnn.. wanieeee.. winnnnnnnnn.. izraaaaa..” x pernah miss bg aku duit raya! byk jgk kenangan bersama arwah selama hampir 9thn tuh. tapi tu lah.. x tahu apa agaknya tanggapan ‘mama & babah’ pas apa yg dh jadi kat aku. apa2 pon depa semua ttp jd kenangan manis dlm hidup aku walaupun tu semua dh berakhir. aku harap depa sekeluarga tabah dan kuat lalui dugaan ni.

Insya Allah.

Monday, 5 December 2011

mak must be strOng! i lOve u..

esOk 6hb disember, mak nk wat ‘bypass’ aku x dpt blk, aku x dpt ada disebelah dia masa dia masuk ke bilik pembedahan tu.. aku serba salah. aku tersepit antara tanggungjawab pd diri sendiri dan tanggungjawab aku pd ibubapa aku. apa2 pon aku dh buat yg terbaik. aku cuba ada utk ‘mereka’ bila benar2 perlukan aku, adakala nya aku gagal berbuat demikian. aku cuma mengharapkan ‘mereka’ faham, walaupun jauh disudut hati ‘mereka’ mahu aku ada bersama2.. berat sungguh ujian dan dugaan ni. aku hanya mampu bertawakal setelah aku beri yg terbaik. “..mak, org mnt maaf sbb x dpt blk temankan mak esok. mak kena kuat, sbb nanti org, bangcik dan semua2 nk blk tengok mak sihat dan kuat..”

Thursday, 29 September 2011

How to Stop Being Jealous

"Love is not jealous, ... does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked"

Jealousy is when you react negatively towards the possibility of losing what you have to someone else. Unlike envy, it usually involves three people, rather than just two: you, the person who has what you want and the person who threatens to take it away. It's an unhealthy habit that can make any kind of relationship crumble; if you're a jealous person, you have seen how much damage it can do. But at the core of jealousy are some fears and expectations that are hard to shake, unless you make a conscious effort to cast them away.

1. Observe what triggers your jealousy
Certain situations will trigger an image or possibility in your mind that you dread. What are the images and possibilities that pop into your head when jealousy strikes?

2. Bite your tongue 
When you feel jealousy taking over, don't react in a destructive way. Don't accuse, don't give the silent treatment, don't roll your eyes, and don't show any signs of displeasure. Try to do the opposite of what a jealous person would do. If a friend is going to spend time with someone else, for example, recommend a good movie or restaurant. If your partner is talking to someone else, leave them be. Do what a completely trusting person would do in your shoes, even if it makes you feel crazy. Jealous behavior can bring any kind of relationship to its knees, so nip it in the bud. Make time to discuss, using nonviolent communication, what made you feel jealous later, when the strong feelings of jealousy have passed, and you're not as likely to overreact.

3. Recognize that jealousy is a self-fulfilling prophecy
When you behave jealously, you don't respond to someone's behavior--you respond to what you believe someone's behavior implies. In other words, you're reacting to a scenario in your mind that you fear, but that hasn't happened yet, and might not happen at all. By playing with another adult, for example, your child isn't doing something inherently wrong. Neither is your partner who calls to offer condolences to their ex whose mother just died. But your negative reaction to what you believe their behavior implies (that someone else is somehow better than or more important than you) will make the person feel defensive and paranoid, because they're being accused of doing something bad. The more defensive and paranoid they get, the more suspicious and jealous you get. It's a vicious cycle that's difficult to reverse.

4. Build self confidence
Jealousy is usually a by-product of insecurity and low self-esteem. Sometimes it's a deep-rooted fear of abandonment that someone will leave you, or withdraw their love or attention from you because you're "not good enough"--if so, you need to learn that other people's behavior and lives are not a reflection on you. Confident people know that even when they are rejected or ridiculed, it's not always because they failed; sometimes people are just short-sighted. And even if they do fail, it doesn't reduce their worth; it simply means they need to learn something new.

5. Stop comparing yourself to other people
Some people seem to have it all, but be realistic--does anyone really lead a problem-free life? They might seem to lead acomfortable life (as many wealthy people do) but it's not always a fulfilling life. And even beautiful, successful celebrities have emotional breakdowns, get cheated on, struggle with addictions, get arrested, and lose their fortunes. Make friends with someone who you think has it all--sincerely take an interest in their lives--and you'll eventually discover that they have their hidden struggles. But they don't live their lives constantly worried that someone else will come along and take away everything that gives them joy; their lives aren't characterized by jealousy. Learn from them.

6. Stop feeling entitled to all of a person's time
 If you get jealous when you see someone you care about interacting with or spending time with someone other than you, then you need to consider "How much of this person's time do I really want?" It's understandable if you want to spend a certain amount of quality time with your partner, child, parent, or friend. If they're not spending any time with you, then your concerns are valid. But if they spend a good deal of time with you but you never feel like it's enough, and deep down you'd prefer it if you were together all the time, then it's not healthy. Find other activities, and other people to do them with, to fill your time.

7. Trust
If you get jealous easily, you've probably had your trust broken. Most of the time, the trust was broken in the past, and you inadvertently project your fear of being hurt again onto someone else. The question you need to ask yourself is whether this person (the person who you worry will hurt you) has ever done anything to break your trust in the past. If the answer is no, then it's important to give them credit for that, and not treat him or her like a criminal. If the person has broken your trust in the past, then it's time to forgive, or else jealousy will ruin the relationship. Period.

8. Be positive
Ultimately, jealousy is a fear-based behavior. You're spending a lot of time worrying about something bad that hasn't happened yet, and might not happen at all. In doing so, you're increasing the likelihood of bad things happening by fostering suspicion and distrust. Try to focus on the positive, instead. Be thankful for what you have. And remember that if someone is going to hurt you, there's nothing you can do to stop it anyway. No amount of nagging, monitoring, accusation, snooping, or guarding will prevent you from being hurt. If you believe in someone, believe in them completely; give them all your trust. The benefit of the doubt is essential for any relationship to work. And if you really don't trust them, if you really feel that the person is weak, deceptive, or otherwise untrustworthy, then don't associate with them. You deserve better.


  • Always examine your jealous thoughts for a sense of entitlement. Whatever it is that someone is getting and you're not (thus sparking jealousy) is something that you feel entitled to; something that you feel is rightfully yours. Instead of trying to convince someone (through jealous behavior) that they should give you what you want, think of ways you can earn it. Focus on being a good person.
  • The best way to make someone spend even more time away from you is to act jealous. When you're being angry, snarky or sarcastic, you're not only less fun to be around, you're making the person feel that you think you own them.
  • Prepare a list of good qualities about yourself and focus inward. This will help resolve any internal insecurities that you have. Remember, those insecurities are manifested outwardly through your jealousy.
  • Do not let them see that you are jealous, because they could have the right to be mad at you.
  • Give yourself a day to cool down, do not react immediately. Always give your partner the benefit of the doubt. Do not believe anything until you have actually seen it.... but if you have a bad feeling and you are absolutely convinced your partner is cheating, then just walk away, it is hard but time heals any wound, there are plenty of fish in the sea.

Monday, 8 August 2011

tanda-tanda 100 hari sebelum kematian!

..semalam temankan mak, sementara ayah bertarawikh di masjid. kushyuknya mak aku layan drama tv ’100 hari sebelum mati’. ramadhan kali ni byk drama2 ttg keinsafan n kematian. aku terpanggil utk google ttg cite ni.. aku mcm x sangka empunya badan pon boleh merasai saat2 kematian semakin hampir, selain dpd org lain antara sedar dan x sedar ttg masa-masa itu.
hasil google aku cma jumpa pendapat/ pengalaman/ penelitian org2 tertentu.. terpulang kpd setiap individu sama ada utk menerima @ menolak berpandukan penilaian akal masing2.
tanda 100 hari sebelum mati
tanda ini akan berlaku lazimnya selepas waktu ‘asar’. seluruh tubuh iaitu dari hjg rambut hgg hjg kaki akn mengalami getaran @ seakan2 menggigil.
tanda 40 hari sebelum hari mati
tanda ini juga akan berlaku sesudah waktu ‘asar’. bahagian pusat akn berdenyut-denyut. pd masa ini daun yg tertulis nama kita akn gugur dr pokok yg letaknya di ats arasy allah SWT. maka malaikat maut akn mengambil daun tersebut dan mula membuat persediaannya ke atas kita, antaranya ialah ia akn mula mengikuti kita sepanjang masa. akn terjadi malaikat maut ini akn memperlihatkan wajahnya sekilas lalu dan jika ini terjadi, mereka yg terpilih ini akn merasakan seakan2 bingung seketika. adapun malaikat maut ini wajahnya cma seorang ttp kuasanya utk mencabut nyawa adalah bersamaan dgn jumlah yg akn dicabutnya.
tanda 7 hari sebelum mati
adapun tanda ini akn diberikan hny kpd mereka yg diuji dgn musibah kesakitan di mana org sakit yg tdk mkn secara tiba2 ianya berselera utk mkn.
tanda 3 hari sebelum mati
pd msa ini akn terasa denyutan di bahagian tgh dahi kita iaitu diantara dahi kanan dan kiri, jika tanda ini dpt dikesan maka berpuasalah selepas itu supaya perut kita tdk mengandungi byk najis dan ini akn memudahkan urusan org yg akn memandikan kita nnt. ketika ini jg mata hitam tdk akn bersinar lg dan bg org yg sakit hidungnya akn perlahan2 jatuh dan ini dapat dikesan jika kita melihatnya dari bahagian sisi. telinganya akn layu dimana bahagian hujungnya akn beransur2 masuk ke dlm. telapak kakinya yg terlunjur akn perlahan2 jatuh ke dpn dan sukar ditegakkan.
tanda 1 hari sebelum mati
akn berlaku sesudah ‘asar’ dimana kita akn merasakan 1 denyutan di sebelah blkg iaitu di kawasan ubun2 di mana ini menandakan kita tdk akn smpt utk menemui waktu ‘asar’ keesokan harinya.
tanda akhir
akn berlaku keadaan di mana kita akn merasakan 1 keadaan sejuk di bahagian pusat dan ianya akn turun ke pinggang dan seterusnya akn naik ke bahagian halkum. ketika ini hendaklah kita trs mengucap kalimah syahadah dan berdiam diri serta menantikan kedatangan malaikat maut utk menjemput kita kembali kpd allah SWT yg tlh menghidupkan kita dan kemudiannya akn mematikan pula.
apa2 pun yg jelas terdapat nas ttg tanda2 kematian yang baik (husnul-khatimah) iaitu;
1. mati dgn mengucap kalimah syahadah
sabda rasulullah swt;
مَنْ كَان آخِرَ كَلامِه لا إِلهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ دَخَلَ الجَنَّةَ
“sesiapa yg ucapan terakhirnya (sebelum mati) ialah lailahaillallah, maka ia akn msk syurga” (riwayat imam al-hakim dr mu’az bin Jabar
2. berpeluh di dahi
sabda rasulullah swt;
اَلْمُؤْمِنُ يَمُوْتُ بِعَرَقِ الْجَبِيْنِ
“seorang mukmin mati dgn berpeluh dahinya” (riwayat imam ahmad, at-tirmizi, an-nasai dan al-hakim dr buraidah)
maksud hadis di atas ialah; jika kelihatan pd dahi si mati renik2 peluh, maka itu tanda bahawa ia mati dlm iman. sbb terjadinya renik2 peluh itu menurut sebahagian ulamak ialah krn malunya kpd allah yg memberi rahmat kepadanya sedangkan masih ada dosanya kpd allah.
sebahagian ulamak pula berkata; org mukmin tdk terlepas dr merasai kepayahan ketika mati, nmn kepayahan yg dihadapinya ringan sahaja iaitu hny sekadar kepayahan yg menerbitkan peluh yang berpercikan pd dahi (faidhul-qadier, hadis no. 9145)
dlm 1 hadis yg lain, nabi –sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam- bersabda;
لَقِّنُوْا مَوْتَاكُمْ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللهُ فَإِنَّ نَفْسَ الْمُؤْمِنِ تَخْرُجُ رَشْحًا وَنَفْسُ الْكَافِرِ تَخْرُجُ مِنْ شِدْقِهِ كَمَا تَخْرُجُ نَفْسُ الْحِمَارِ‏
“ajarilah org yg hampir mati di antara kamu lailahaillallah. sesungguhnya roh org beriman akn keluar dgn bercucuran peluhnya. Adapun ruh orang kafir akan keluar dari rahangnya sebagaimana keluarnya roh kaldai” (riwayat imam @thabrani dr abdullah bin mas’ud
3. mati ketika sedang melakukan amal soleh
sabda rasulullah swt;
مَنْ قَالَ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللهُ اِبْتِغَاْءَ وَجْهِ اللهِ خُتِمَ لَهُ بِهَا دَخَلَ الْجَنَّةَ وَمَنْ صَامَ يَوْمًا اِبْتِغَاْءَ وَجْهِ اللهِ خُتِمَ لَهُ بِهَا دَخَلَ الْجَنَّةَ وَمَنْ تَصَدَّقَ بِصَدَقَةٍ اِبْتِغَاْءَ وَجْهِ اللهِ خُتِمَ لَهُ بِهَا دَخَلَ الْجَنَّةَ
“sesiapa mengucapkan lailahaillallah semata2 krn mengharapkan keredhaan allah, lalu ia mati dgn kalimah itu, maka ia akn msk syurga. sesiapa berpuasa pd satu hr krn mengharapkan keredhaan allah, lalu ia mati ketika sdg berpuasa itu, maka ia akn msk syurga. sesiapa bersedekah dgn 1 sedekah krn mencari redha allah, lalu ia mati sesudah bersedekah, maka ia akn msk syurga” (riwayat imam ahmad dr huzaifah)
note: pd yg ingin membaca lbh lanjut ttg kematian dan hal2 berkait dgn nya blh dapatkan buku tulisan ustaz ahmad adnan bin fadzil “rahsia kematian, alam barzakh dan roh”

wallah hua'lam..

ref: @

Monday, 1 August 2011

WooHoo! I got a new toy today…

Hey-hey guys and gals.. i gOt a sweet new tOy tOday. “myBU” susahnye nk dapatkan dia nih.. memacam dugaan, halangan, dan akhirnye.. jeng-jeng arini gi amik dia lah. name dia “myBu” just cOme Out frOm my mulut, beday dia harini Of cOz.. 150711 (Friday) Officially Own by me. muahhhhh :*

sebelum peristiwa itu..

..ketibaan bff ku sambut dgn hati yg senang, tq again bff sbb sanggup ke kg halamanku. mereka sgt selesa bertegur sapa, sembang2, aku bertambah senang. masih sama seperti dulu, agaknya itu kelebihan bff. mudah disenangi sesiapa pon, tua@muda :) betul tak statement aku ni? heee.. apatah lg mak aku yg garang dulu dan skarang tu.

aktiviti kami jalan kt pasar sabtu, makan, main internet, sembang2, tgk tv, jalan2 kt pekan koboi.. ntah kenapa mak beria2 suruh kami blk perlis? bff ckp ”x kot..” aku x mengerti disebalik semua ini, hanya menganggap omongan biasa.

akhirnya smp masa utk kami balik ke KL bsama myBU. perjalanan kami blm pn separuh jalan, bff dikejutkan dgn berita yg kurang enak. tanggal 15hb julai 2011, bersamaan ahad, ayahanda tercintanya meninggalkan bff sekeluarga. al-fatihah utk Arwah Hj Baharom, semoga beliau sentiasa ditempatkan bsama2 org yg beriman. Amin

Thursday, 28 July 2011


finally i made up my mind, tender my resignation yesterday @27th of July 2011: tuesday. dh masuk 6 thn kot aku menjadi warga NSTL. rasanya dh smp masa utk aku beralih arah, mengubah selera, mencuba sesuatu yg baru. berat jgk utk melepaskan sesuatu yg dh serasi dgn life aku, my finance’s mates: rozita, zam, ayu, ikhwan, eija, opis’s mates yg lain: yg close dgn aku, bos a.k.a ninja, my fav workstation, my fav it people: syahadan and etc.

“whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come”
“life is complicated. it starts bfore we’re ready, continues while we’re still figure out & ends long before we’ve worked out just what to do..”

apa saja yg kita nk buat or mahu dlm hidup kita, mst ada ’pro & con’. maybe tpt baru best environment-nya tp x bley bersosial (fb, twitter, ym, blogging and etc.). seb baik pakai bb.. xde la kemaruk or kempunan sgt. kawan2 baru.. boss baru.. semuanya serba baru. even kerja aku pon baru, wat ever it is aku harap ni adalah langkah aku seterusnya utk kembangkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman aku. doa kan yg terbaik utk aku.. amin. apa pon melupakan semuanya tidak sama sekali. ianya akn terus kekal sebagai kenangan manis.

anyhow, u ols can always find me here. if xde apa2 i will conteng2 kt sini lah..

Opis Ku, Syurga Ku..

“ninja” @ lebih mesra ahmad’ed.. cuma arrora je xde kt finance ni. yang mcm2 ada ”aura”.. sgt menjaga body, skang dh kurus dan maintain.. yg penting we os sekampung beb. aloq setaq mai.. bila maghah dia ckp tripple ”wat, wat, wat we call dat..” hehehee gurau je en ahmad.

ini org replaced eita nye tpt.. serupa ah-long, kejar payment punya org, pandai buli.. suke gali. very talkative bila ninja xde, sgt pendiam dan bekerja keras bila ninja ada. kuat makan nsk ayam!

mr pinky, :D xde la ‘baby’ dia yg kuat pink ni. sgt lemah lembut, prinsip: biar lambat asalkan selamat. so lambat msk opis, lambat blk dr solat, lambat response dlm segala hal. kalo nk balik laju jer.. sgt terkenal dgn ”unfeghen”..

tudia anak mammi celup, bkn org penang.. bkn ank mammi. tp hot mammi.. kt finance plg terserlah keayuannya. kalah aku yg x kawin lg ni. yg penting sporting aje dlm apa2 hal, jgn buat hal dah. hobi baru dia ‘living in a jet plane’..

ini mmg bebetul mummy, lahirkan ank nstl. 2kali dh wat kecoh kt opis, jgk buat aku steghesss. so after 2nd baby, aku warning dia jgn eksiden lg.. hehe azab oiiii.. ni bley geng dgn iwan ”arrr-gggg” :D

ni yg comel is my assistant. very good sbb x penah mc, aku yg kerap mc.. pandai cover line aku. rajin. kalo dia bad mood, aku yg susah hati.. cita2 nk jd business women, idola Datuk Sosilawati. geee.. cik pastry.

last but not least, c-kin “sy syg semua”. baru hadir dalam finance.. nmpk mcm gumbira setelah sekian lama menyendiri di suatu sudut, tingkat 2 nstl. kt finance ada byk hiburan: ade radio best, ade makanan, ade mood2 istimewa, ade ”R” grrrr.. c-kin, sy pon syg semua.. but sy kena pergi. huhu :’(

apa2 pon thanks to u ols, hepi sgt2 kt sini.. walaupon semuanya serba sederhana tp enjoy.

“i don’t care what people might’ve said about me. i am wat i am”.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

bff stand for “best friend forever” ???

a friend is sweet when its new, but it is sweeter when its true! sapa2 saja ada dan boleh ada ‘bff’ @ kawan baik. I’ve one, cik norhayati baharom, atau nama glemer dia kt KL Rin Rindianes. penah off sekejap atas sbb2 tertentu..tetttt. for me semua yg terjadi dlm satu2 friendship, baik suka or duka tu mematangkan lg masing2. semua org buat silap kot, but setiap org ada hak jgk nk memaafkan @ memilih status “unfriend”. semua org ada hak utk menentukan masih blh menjadi kawan atau tak di atas reason masing2.

@lurve3110:#scorpio’s love their friends and will do anything for their close friends@renbOwsStar.
pd aku, apa yg jadi antara aku dan bff tu ada hikmah disebaliknya. terus terang perasaan kecewa tu mmg ada pd mulanya. tp mcm org selalu cakap “life must go on”. mungkin ini masa utk aku dan bff menilai sendiri sejauh mana friendship kami. aku penah buat salah, aku penah dimaafkan. so rasanya x salah aku dgr penjelasan dia dan memaafkannya. once aku dh accepted dia, maksudnya aku dah bersedia memaafkan dan menerimanya semula. so aku rasa x perlu sapa2 lg nk pertikaikan ttg ni.

real friends (@lurve3110) don’t got to speak everyday just to keep a connection.
to people yg sengaja mengerukan friendship aku dgn citer2 lama tu. aku rasa dia perlu cerminkan diri sendiri. sekurang2nya kami dah memohon maaf sesama kami. so upset dgn apa u people cuba buat. be mature dan cuba teruskan hidup normal seperti org lain, bkn menyusahkan org lain. semoga kawan2 yg masih ada bsama2 dia, masih sedia menerima kelebihan dan kelemahan yg ada padanya. aku mohon dijauhi org2 seperti ini. amin.

Saturday, 16 July 2011

brOga Hill punya citer

last week, aku ikut bff ke brOga hill, semenyih. aku sebenarnya xde experience mendaki2 nih, tp utk hilangkan stress.. aku ikut je bff aku nih. aku sendiri x dpt membayangkan bagaimana situasi sebenarnya tpt tuh. mmg kerja gila, sbb x penah3 aku buat aktiviti cengini. separuh perjalanan mmg buat aku rs “eiii menyesalnya naik, nk blk skarang!!!” tp aku teruskan jgk sbb kawan2 ja, kalo nk turun pon sapa yg nk temankan aku.

aku berada di tpt yg tinggi, gayat.. rasanya x mampu lg aku nk teruskan smp ke puncak. kakiku x mampu lg dah nk meneruskannya.. berehat dan mengumpul kekuatan utk turun semula. apa2 pon tq to bff atas pengalaman yg pelik ni, part yg paling best dpt kenal dgn teman2 baru. bak kata mereka “lagend dan berhati cute”

tq #bff..

Sunday, 12 June 2011


  • peOpe get bOred easily
  • karma
  • selfishness / mOre fOcus On what we are getting than what yOu are giving
  • nO sex
  • spending tOo much time apart
  • stabbed mine
  • because we cannot get along with our differences all the times
  • cOmparing tO EX
  • calling tOo Often